Friday, April 29, 2011

Close, but not close enough.

I came into this venture thinking, "there has to be someone who gets it." "Someone who is making and selling modest, beautiful clothing at the whole sale markets." Between LA and San Francisco, there are over 3,000 wholesalers of women's clothing. The odds are there right? Wrong! After this last market week that my sister Whitney and I went to in San Fran, I decided it's time to move onto Plan B: Making my own designs.

Here is my beautiful sister Whitney outside of San Francisco Fashion Market

These are pictures of dresses that we really liked but weren't quite the modesty level we need to cover ourselves up. At least this will give you an idea of what's in store for with grace. But with some added modesty. This brown dress went down too far in the front and was to shear in the chest area.

 This one was actually at Anthropologie but they buy a lot of their stuff from the markets as well. A beautiful maxi that was also too shear and went too low in the front.

 This is part of the trend we are seeing for fall. So many things had leather on it. This was a beautiful skirt with leather trim - therefore pretty pricey for retail. But I really liked it.

 I loved this dress. It flowed beautifully, I loved the color and the cute pin tucks. But alas, it went too low in the front slit and it was a little pricey.

Now to begin Plan B. : )